Networking Socials: Monthly event to build business connections and learn about partnership resources that can assist Helping Hands Resource, Inc in achieving its mission and goals.
Life Enrichment Workshops: Our goal is to help individuals of all ages and socio-economic status achieve their goals. We coordinate field trips to promote diverse exposure to all cultures and artistic experiences.
Job Training: Provide job training education programs to improve employment prospects for adult, youth and dislocated workers.
Self-Care Education: Our programs offer classes on self-care (including, but not limited to) personal hygiene, first aid care, mental health, nutrition, health & fitness. The goal with these programs is to promote an overall sense and feeling of wellness.
Reading Literacy Workshops: The literacy program contains all the elements necessary for mentees to master reading and writing skills. These elements include, but are not limited to phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.
Childcare Certification Program: Program committed to helping young people learn the skills required to grow their baby-sitting business. The certification program is available to children 11 years of age and older. Classes include: Babysitter Basics & Beyond and Advanced Childcare.
Rights Restoral Workshop: Providing guidance and education to individuals convicted of a felony restore their rights to vote, serve on a jury and other civil right.